Historical Tax Information


Alinta Tax Information

The following information documents were prepared to provide former Alinta shareholders with general information regarding the taxation implications arising from the disposal of their Alinta shares following the acquisition of Alinta by the consortium comprising Babcock & Brown Infrastructure, Babcock & Brown Power, Babcock & Brown Wind Partners and Singapore Power International Pte Ltd.

All former Alinta shareholders were sent a personalised tax statement and tax guide.

Click here to access online Tax Calculator

Alinta / AGL Scheme of Arrangement 2006

Former Alinta shareholders who acquired their shares as a result of the merger with AGL in 2006, or held shares in Alinta prior to the merger can access additional information on the Australian Tax Office website that may be of relevance.

Original Alinta shareholders

Former AGL Shareholders

Reference to ATO class rulings in Alinta Taxation Guide

The links to the ATO Class Rulings referred to in Section 3 of the Alinta Taxation Guide changed.

The Class Rulings issued by the ATO in relation to the Alinta / AGL Scheme of Arrangement were withdrawn. This does not impact how these Class Rulings apply to the Alinta / AGL Scheme for original Alinta shareholders and former AGL shareholders.

Original Alinta shareholders

Class Ruling 2006/124W

Original Class Ruling 2006/124

Former AGL shareholders

Class Ruling 2006/125W

Original Class Ruling 2006/125